The Open Arms Center, located in Santa Ines (a village of San Josè Pinula, Guatemala), serves low-income families with a comprehensive program that includes: a hot, nutritious lunch; Bible Clubs for women and children; educational support; medical assistance; and regular donations of clothing, shoes, hygiene products, and food staples.
Guatemala holds some of the highest malnutrition rates in the Americas. The children we serve face food insecurity. Feeding them a hot lunch meets a desperate nutritional need in the community.
These same children and youth also receive other types of assistance throughout the year. They are given Birthday Bags filled with basic hygiene products, underclothes, and a small toy. For children who may have never had a birthday cake before in their lives, this is an exciting event they look forward to with much anticipation and is another way in which we confirm for them that their lives are celebrated. We pray for them to live with a purpose fulfilling a divine destiny.
An academic reinforcement program has been added to our center. This program provides computer classes, tutoring, and homework stations with computers, printers, and internet access. In certain cases, tuition is paid for higher education.
The Brazos Abiertos Center also has a women’s group with coffee and refreshments while the women enjoy a Bible Lesson and learn new sills such as sewing, cooking, and crafts. Through this group, many are coming to Christ and being given a foundation in the Word of God.
CrossCulture Jesus is also pleased to accept invitations to teach at schools, churches, Bible Schools, and Bible Study groups both locally and internationally as schedules permit.